Some people call them pets. I call them family. I could no more live without dogs and cats in my life, than I could live without air or food or water. It doesn't matter if you are rich or poor, factory worker or king. No matter what your station in life is, a dog or cat will love you just the same.I was born into a family with a dog. My first word was, "Dog!" I've had cats in my life, since the age of four. There are few things in life that can bring more pleasure than dogs and cats. On this page, I would like to share with you pictures of some of my dearest friends.
This is the very first-ever,
picture of our boy, Sammy!
Here, he is at 8 1/2 weeks
old, weighing in at 5 lb.
Here, Sammy seems much
happier, as he goes for
a stroll.
By age 6 mo., Sammy has discovered that
long ears can be a bother. Here, we find
him experimenting with a new "ear-do"!
Here are my babies, Dolly & Punkin,
at 8 wks. old. There's nothing like a foot
in the face to show your sister that you care!
Here is our adorable cat,
Dolly, at 5-6 mo. old. You
could say that Dolly has her
own way of doing things!
Meet our sweet kitty, Sugar, at age 3 yr.
Although of the feline species, she is
madly in love with Sammy!
Miss Punkin poses, here, with her front
paws on the rail of the 4-poster bed.
In this photo, she is about 5 yr. old.
Who could ask for a more perfect
pose? Pretty Dolly is not the
least bit camera-shy!
Dolly & Punkin never seem to forget that they're sisters!
"All things bright and beautiful
All creatures great and small
All things wise and wonderful
The Lord God made them all."
~Sir Cecil Francis Alexander
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The Baha Men's, "Who Let The Dogs Out" MIDI
Found At:
Sound America
Counter Courtesy Of:
Counter Digits,
Web Design, Lines,
Navigation Buttons,
Background, And
Photographs By Me:
Pet "Care" Buttons,
and "Lovetails" By
Glenda Moore Of:
All photographs on this page were taken by the author & are solely her property.
They may not be used by anyone else for any purpose.
© 1998-2006, By
All Rights Reserved.
Moved Back To Tripod November 06, 2000
Last updated December 26, 2006